Filk Etymology Wiki

Unknown Permission[]

Unknown Permission:
Please do not lyrics!

We have no specific information as to whether the author has given permission to reproduce the lyrics. Do not post the lyrics on this site. You should always mark any song as Unknown Permission until you have solid evidence to mark as something else.

If you can find evidence of the permission status for the lyrics of song marked as Unknown Permission, please change the permission, and provide a permission source.

To mark a song set the permission in the Song infobox as "Unknown Permission".

Permission Withheld[]

Withheld Permission:
Please DO NOT post lyrics!

The author has explicitly withheld permission to reproduce the lyrics, for example in the appropriate section on the Blanket Permission list. Do not post the lyrics on this site.

To mark a song set the permission in the Song infobox as "Withheld Permission".

Songs marked as "Withheld Permission" should ideally have permission sources to support the claim, but it is not strictly necessary.

Creative Commons License[]

CC Permission:
Please follow license restrictions posting lyrics!

The lyrics are published under a Creative Commons License, which allows reproduction of the lyrics. You can post the lyrics on this site, if you meet conditions of the license.

To mark a song set the permission in the Song infobox as "CC Permission".

Songs marked as "CC Permission" must include a permission source linking to the relevant License.

Public Domain[]

Public Domain:
Please post lyrics!

The lyrics are in the public domain. You can post the lyrics on this site.

To mark a song set the permission in the Song infobox as "Public Domain".

Blanket Permission[]

The author has listed themselves on the Blanket Permission list, granting blanket permission for anyone to reproduce the lyrics to any of their songs as long proper credit and copyright information is included. You can post the lyrics on this site.

To mark a song set the permission in the Song infobox as "Blanket Permission".

Songs marked as "Blanket Permission" must include a permission source linking to the Blanket Permission list or other source granting blanket permission.
